Freight and Passenger Rail

Dave has mediated numerous complex multi-party six to nine-figure matters brought before the Surface Transportation Broad. He has worked with Amtrak, BNSF, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific. Matters have included:

  • Restoration of passenger rail service between New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama. Multi-party mediation between a passenger railroad, two Class I freight railroads, and a state port.

  • Freight and passenger rail operating agreement – terms and compensation for passenger rail use of facilities, rail lines, and services.

  • Construction and operating exemption for land use of permits in the construction of a solid waste rail transfer station.

  • Petition for abandonment of rail line.

  • Application to acquire rail line through Board ordered sale.

  • Unfair competition rate matters between shippers and Class I freight rail.

  • Partial revocation of exemption from regulation application to transportation of iron and steel scrap for rail service.

  • Operating rights, trackage rights, betterment of the line, and interest rental payments between two Class I freight railroads.