Freight and Passenger Rail
Dave has mediated numerous complex multi-party six to nine-figure matters brought before the Surface Transportation Broad. He has worked with Amtrak, BNSF, Canadian National, Canadian Pacific, CSX, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific. Matters have included:
Restoration of passenger rail service between New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama. Multi-party mediation between a passenger railroad, two Class I freight railroads, and a state port.
Freight and passenger rail operating agreement – terms and compensation for passenger rail use of facilities, rail lines, and services.
Construction and operating exemption for land use of permits in the construction of a solid waste rail transfer station.
Petition for abandonment of rail line.
Application to acquire rail line through Board ordered sale.
Unfair competition rate matters between shippers and Class I freight rail.
Partial revocation of exemption from regulation application to transportation of iron and steel scrap for rail service.
Operating rights, trackage rights, betterment of the line, and interest rental payments between two Class I freight railroads.